One of Little Bear’s favorite toys is strands of bright red or pink beads placed against a black background. The lights in the room shine on the beads and make them easy to see. He often reaches for them and can easily make them move. These are available at most party and dollar stores.
Have you heard of the “little room”? It was developed I believe by a woman from Sweden, and it can be purchased online. It is very pricey, however, and my brother-in-law is handy with carpentry, so he actually built one for my cortically impaired son ( who also has a variety of other medical impairments). Building it actually gave us the options to make it work best for our son. You might want to look into this if you haven’t has been great for us….really helped block out other stimuli in the room and gave our son the chance to focus on either a visual or hearing stimulus uninterrupted.
These beads reminded me of it, because we use them in his box.