On many websites, blogs and forums that we frequent, this is a common topic of conversation. Once you’ve got your iPad, you’ll want to know which apps will work best for your child. This is a tough question to answer since every child is different and certain apps may work better depending on what phase your child is in. Having said that, we can at least offer some apps that have worked well for us and others to begin to guide your search. Some of the apps that our little bear enjoys the most are (in no particular order):
Some other lists that we recommend:
Babies with iPads lists their 10 favorite apps for children with CVI.
Because many app lists are iPad based, SNEAK Outside the Box created a list of CVI-appropriate Android apps.
And finally, a website out of Australia, VI Family Network, has put together a list of apps recommended by Dr. Roman-Lantzy.
We hope this helps you get started in selecting apps for your child with CVI! Feel free to comment below to let us know which apps work best for your kids!
Hi – I have a student with CVI, but also requires switch accessibility- do you have any plans to make apps that would fit this need?
I also would love it if this app was switch adapted 🙂